Henry Bowman wrote:
I think no matter who you are, what country your from or what god you pray to, most everyone wants the same thing in life. To be left alone to do with your life as you see fit.
Unfortunately there are some people whose mission in life is to make you their servants.
These people need to be executed. Plain and simple.
Who are those people ? : big companies, banks
an example you are a car company in the 60's : you sell your cars to local garages, they make money reselling car and they do all the service, the repairs etc ... then you see that people are keeping they cars for long and don't buy enough cars plus you are loosing money coz you don't make all the businesses ..
ok you manage to convince people that it is better to rent their car for 4 years and after rent an other car for 4 years .. and you link people for ever, you destroy local businesses
you don't want to be a servant ? ok , you buy a car in a local garage(even if you have to borrow money to the bank) , you have it serviced in local garage, you have it repair in local garages and after 4 years when it is paid , everyday you save money coz you don't have to pay for a new car that does not works better then the previous one .. and you relocate business you are giving money to people of your city, you are creating local jobs !
an other example, your cell phone ... an iphone can works for 5-6 years ... buy it cash and don't subscribe to a phone companies to get a new one " free " paying higher rate just to show you friends that your phone can recognize you without taping a code ... which you don't mind ... result you are buying your phone to an independent store you are creating jobs etc etc
you want to have lunch ... go in a local down town dinner owned by a local lady or man, and don't go in a mc Donald ...
make you own cuisine at home using local Veg and meat instead of buying pre packed junk food just coz you don't want to spend 15 minutes peeling potatoes ! you will create local jobs, you will save money etc etc etc did you know that frozen food is most of the time harvest abroad and prepared in low cost countries ? ... and at the same time your local farmers are close to bankruptcy .. they are imposes low prices by big companies ... you can by local .. eggs , vegs , chickens etcetcetc
you want a table, call a wood worker and have it made.. you will have it for 30 years, you will create local jobs etc etc etc
you want to go in vacations.. just fin a lake, a beach, a mountain in the country and go in a local camping site, eat in local restaurant, go in local diving clubs .. you will save/create local jobs in small companies ran by local families
never borrow a penny in a bank unless you are totally forced to .. you will save money and in case of a crises they won't seize your house
it will make your little portion of America Great again instead of making big companies greater for ever and you in debt for ever ...
don't forget that 90% of the jobs are created by small companies paying their taxes locally where the big companies always try to pay less taxes (and you are paying the taxes they don't pay coz at then end of the day when the state need money they take it in your pocket coz you can't evade taxes like the big companies)
people are stupid sheep they wake up in the morning checking their social networks in order to see if their " friends " have admired them because they bought the last foreign car on the market ... at the end of the day they have what they deserve ... google knows what they dream of ,they are sent adds matching their greed, they spend more money, they get in depth and it is a viscous circle they never can get out of ... ( Hotel California) all of this because of their Greed ! they need to buy things to exist in their social network that's it , they are monkeys in the hands of people counting their trillions of dollars !
anyone can say NO :
https://youtu.be/1pHBxrvPmL8?t=74we are not apes in cages NO