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WOW - the WORLD HAS GONE FUBAR!!! - when even HERE -the famous FREE-SPEECH - ANYTHING GOES FORUM! ---- Admin gets lily-livered about the TRUTH!

SINCE WHEN - Can a forum owner/mod/admin - get sued for libel/slander????

Did some crazy new LIBTARD law get passed in the last few years to endanger our FREE SPEECH - HERE?????




PS - about the time Montana Eric was resolving his lawsuit & Kevin was telling me all about the Aeronews Network/ Jim Campbell investigation into SC $ woes and TROS's embezzlement Ponzi scheme ...JV - made several calls to me (finally I answered one - to hear him out) appealing to me - as PRA President to put a STOP to all the LIES - he felt were flying around him & SC - in fact apart from a couple on Kevin's posts on RWF about the ANN / Jim Campbell investigation ... the OLD RWF thread - with negative posts about him - he wanted deleted ...I had to tell him - as PRA has nothing to do with RWF ( OR Skywolverines) - I have NO authority over such forums ...I can only influence PRA website and social media accounts - where there was NO SC /JV bad press! ........ after Farmer Jim's & my bad experience with Larry Neal - I am squarely on Kolibri's side - these jokers NEED to BE EXPOSED!


Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:57 pm

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For one thing I like being informed and it was a SC single that was on my short list prior to my decision to build since I trust myself and I take great exception to being bamboozled.

PPL like this disappear were I come from. No fuss , no muss, just done taking ppl for a ride.

EDIT: I looked into this Neal guy mentioned. Reports say he offed himself......interesting.

Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:11 am
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Wesley Cruz wrote:
For one thing I like being informed and it was a SC single that was on my short list prior to my decision to build since I trust myself and I take great exception to being bamboozled.

PPL like this disappear were I come from. No fuss , no muss, just done taking ppl for a ride.

I think the M912 is a great single, but I'd be very certain of kit parts inventory and delivery time before I ordered. I rec. the onsite builder's assist (free, last I knew). With Evan's help and a savvy owner, an M912 could be built (in my day) in about 8-9 days (assuming that all parts are in stock).

Curious where you "come from" and its culture of local justice? Wondering why you ever left?

Famous-Infamous for speaking the truth on "the other forum" from 2014-2019.

Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:23 pm
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Wesley Cruz wrote:

EDIT: I looked into this Neal guy mentioned. Reports say he offed himself......interesting.

Hadn't heard of that, and found an interesting thread contributed by his abandoned daughter who alleged Neal's suicide: ... ost-852464

Hiding the truth

Yep the bible does say quite a lot about forgiveness but I don't remember it saying anything about hiding the truth.

As far as speaking badly of the dead some of the people could not speak about problems with LN when he was alive because if a lawsuit and threats from LN and his lawyer so it seems the rest of the story is coming out now.

Maybe we can learn from it. I know that being aware of some of the details about this story caused me to investigate and research carefully before ordering a new gyro a month ago.

Maybe knowing more about the LN story will save someone a lot of grief at a latter date. ... ost-853399

To hell with honor and dignity if the truth is left out.

Deeds not intentions .

— Hillberg ... ost-852722

Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification–that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly...
— John Galt

Famous-Infamous for speaking the truth on "the other forum" from 2014-2019.

Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:36 pm
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I read the 9 pages about Larry Neal on RWF.
The posts comprise the bookends of opinions from:
"Larry was a good-hearted man! " to "Larry was a sociopath and seller of a failed gyro! "
In between were frequent "None of us is sinless, don't speak ill of the dead, learn to forgive."

True, none of us is perfect, and we've all done wrong.
But, where's the line between that and somebody worse on another level?
A line from Shakespeare illustrates it nicely:

Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade.
Measure for Measure, Act 3, Scene 1, Isabella to Claudio

accidental = happening by chance, fortuitous
a trade = regular line of work, recognized business ... _1-3_1_135

To me, this is very similar to the Bible in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 describing who would not gain entrance to Heaven:
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Does that mean somebody who has occasionally though rarely stolen or been drunk is banned from Heaven?
No, for the Scripture refers to unrepentant practitioners of such sins, not merely the imperfect.

Is one's sin "accidental"...or is it a proven pattern of many years, i.e., a "trade"?
Is one's sin a regular line of work — one's recognized business?

To me, that is the yardstick to measure people of disputed reputation.

Famous-Infamous for speaking the truth on "the other forum" from 2014-2019.

Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:57 pm
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Yes Larry (deadbeat dad & sociopath, conman) Neal - DID INDEED "off himself"- ate a shotgun blast - just one week prior to his & Jim's law-suit being settled in front of a judge.

He was also facing a lawsuit from the purchaser of his Super sky-cycle - roadable tricycleMC/ flying cycle. He had just sold it a year prior at Oshkosh. He had also just lost his "bread & butter job " as test-pilot for CarterCopter (Olney TX) ...when DOD funding did not come through to continue funding the project!

He was found by the neighbor's( Larry's rental house) son - after 4 days in the hot TX sun - on his back patio! ...the son noticed - the gate open & in the house - all the doors & secret room were opened up! (Larry was obsessively security minded - so this was unusual & noticed by the neighbor!)

Confirmed by local police.
Jim & I met his daughter Lori a couple of weeks later - trying to "find the truth" ...we all thought he had faked his death and made a run! We spent a week-end in the area talking to Larry's friends & neighbors & Lori as kin was able to get confidential info from the police - which she shared!

It was very surreal & eye-opening !


Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:08 pm

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Kolibri wrote:
Wesley Cruz wrote:

EDIT: I looked into this Neal guy mentioned. Reports say he offed himself......interesting.

Hadn't heard of that, and found an interesting thread contributed by his abandoned daughter who alleged Neal's suicide: ... ost-852464

Hiding the truth

Yep the bible does say quite a lot about forgiveness but I don't remember it saying anything about hiding the truth.

As far as speaking badly of the dead some of the people could not speak about problems with LN when he was alive because if a lawsuit and threats from LN and his lawyer so it seems the rest of the story is coming out now.

Maybe we can learn from it. I know that being aware of some of the details about this story caused me to investigate and research carefully before ordering a new gyro a month ago.

Maybe knowing more about the LN story will save someone a lot of grief at a latter date. ... ost-853399

To hell with honor and dignity if the truth is left out.

Deeds not intentions .

— Hillberg ... ost-852722

Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification–that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly...
— John Galt

Who is JOHN GALT? ................Don't answer this...I already know.....just quoting quotes! My girl Ayn!

And confirmation info from sources concerned on Larry Neal relayed in this post Kolibri.

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:30 am

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Kolibri wrote:
Wesley Cruz wrote:
For one thing I like being informed and it was a SC single that was on my short list prior to my decision to build since I trust myself and I take great exception to being bamboozled.

PPL like this disappear were I come from. No fuss , no muss, just done taking ppl for a ride.

I think the M912 is a great single, but I'd be very certain of kit parts inventory and delivery time before I ordered. I rec. the onsite builder's assist (free, last I knew). With Evan's help and a savvy owner, an M912 could be built (in my day) in about 8-9 days (assuming that all parts are in stock).

Curious where you "come from" and its culture of local justice? Wondering why you ever left?

The practiced art of removal is available to anyone with means........ who says I left! I am a perpetual visitor where ever that may be. Home Sweet Home is in the heart.

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:37 am
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Kolibri wrote:
I'm glad that Bill Totten bought a Magni to enjoy some gyro flying in his emeritus years. I hope he gets his $60,000 M2 refund, which was deserved long before the 2023 Montana customer's. IMO, Bill has been too nice to JV about this, and should have played hardball last year.

Somebody just recently got his $60,000 M2 deposit refund after three years. Congratulations!

Vowing to file with one's state DOJ and BBB has been effective. Playing hardball works. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Staying silent does not work, as dozens already have learned by now.

You get what you settle for.

Famous-Infamous for speaking the truth on "the other forum" from 2014-2019.

Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:24 pm
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