I shouldn't have but I clicked on that link and it made me even more angry. What I see is income redistribution from those that get paychecks to those that refuse to get paychecks. We pay a $.75 tax in addition to Obamacare premiums on each flu shot. They are simply generating more revenue (taxes) off the middle class to spend through trickery. They weren't getting enough through payroll taxes so they did an end around.
They are charging an excise tax on bow and arrows!!!!
A tax of 10% of the sale price is imposed on many articles of sport fishing equipment sold by the manufacturer. This includes any parts or accessories sold on or in connection with the sale of those articles.
Pay this tax with Form 720. No tax deposits are required.
Sport fishing equipment includes all the following items.
Fishing rods and poles (and component parts), fishing reels, fly fishing lines, and other fishing lines not over 130 pounds test, fishing spears, spear guns, and spear tips.
Items of terminal tackle, including leaders, artificial lures, artificial baits, artificial flies, fishing hooks, bobbers, sinkers, snaps, drayles, and swivels (but not including natural bait or any item of terminal tackle designed for use and ordinarily used on fishing lines not described in (1)).
The following items of fishing supplies and accessories: fish stringers, creels, bags, baskets, and other containers designed to hold fish, portable bait containers, fishing vests, landing nets, gaff hooks, fishing hook disgorgers, and dressing for fishing lines and artificial flies.
Fishing tip-ups and tilts.
Fishing rod belts, fishing rodholders, fishing harnesses, fish fighting chairs, fishing outriggers, and fishing downriggers.
Damn bastards.
And I found out today that Bernie Sanders took a taxpayer funded honeymoon to the soviet union under the guise of a "mayor's meeting"!!!
The more i find out about politicians the more I should stay home lest I meet one face to face.