Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area
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Author:  loftus [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

This will generate a little more tail controversy I am sure

Author:  Gabor [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

V tails on gyros have never gotten popular for some reason.
Even large tall V tails had to be reconfigured with additional vertical stab.

Author:  elwood [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

The Ex-O gyro has never flown, just a big -ol marketing scam.
scamming investors like the flying car dude.

Author:  Arnie M. [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area


He is a scam and a clever bullshitter .... recently , when investor money disappeared , he blamed his gal pal Monica for stealing it , how convenient . The rest of the time he spends sueing people for calling him a scam.


Author:  MadMuz [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

I like V tails.... :half

Very easy to fly and the V is a Horisontal Stabilizer.... you can do a vertical as if the machine has no HS, but there is no way on the planet it will nose over (unless you do something really, really stoopid) :realcrazy :calmdown :yoda2 :Wolvie

Edit: Why do they always make the roof of the cabin so low? When I was at Gympie the other weekend, a guy tried to sit in one of the enclosed machines... the guy was about 6' 2" and his head was touching the ceiling... there was no chance of getting the doors shut :noidea

Seriously, how would a big guy like FJ go getting in something like that? Impossible..... someone needs to make a good 2 place with decent head room before they start worrying about making 4 seaters? :realcrazy


Author:  Mick_Taylor [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

In wind tunnel tests V tails are very nearly as stable in yaw and torque roll as cruciform tall tails, but placement (vertical position, higher/lower) in the prop wash is critical. Too low and they are not very efficient, too high and the result is the same. They have much less drag, so they are actually better in that regard and the total result is that it is the most efficient design of all.

The reason they have never gained popularity is that attachment to the airframe is much more difficult than any conventional empenage, and for the home-builder it's just not worth the effort.

The absolute worst thing you can do is a T tail, they are total junk. The T placed in the middle of the vortex traps the rotating wash and yaws much worse than any other tail, and then there is no upper VS surface to counter-act the lower half.

Biggest surprise of all tails is the Bensen Style, with the HS foreward of the VS! No air is trapped in the vortex, it washes off the surfaces and the HS foreward arrangement is exceptional. However, when you place the HS directly under the VS this design is second worst, only ahead to the T tail.

Author:  elwood [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

I wonder if they have any "dutch roll" tendencies like some fixed wings have?

Author:  Mick_Taylor [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

Never flown one, dont' know. I suspect a gyro might be very different from the tractor FW (Bonanza) flight characteristics (described as "hunting" by some), two completely different animals acting about a very different Center of Pressure in flight with so many different surfaces being involved etc. Probably one of those things you'd have to fly to find out.

Author:  MadMuz [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gyro with a V-Tail and a payload area

If you are flying along on a wind free day in perfect conditions (boring :laughing ) and you have the stick neutral, when you give it some rudder either direction, the machine rolls that way without moving the stick and when you bring the peddals back to straight, it levels out :laughing

So, if you are going to do a big turn, stick and rudder at the same time and you are instantly going back the other way.... I like them.... I have a new one here for my next machine... when I can stop having to play with farking cars and actually get onto it :badluck :laughing

It is the easiest thing to attach and get working.... and you can trim it for flat flight or a little nose down just by lengthening or shortening the 'tie rods' from the center pivot to each flappy thing :laughing :rofl

I found that the tops of the V should be about the center of the prop in an under 60" prop, maybe a bit lower.... or with a bigger prop 68" the tail lower... a V tail, imo, is better in relative airflow than in prop blast...

To me, they are the most overlooked and most simple tail and I have no issues with the effectiveness of them... :like :pop :yoda2 :Wolvie

Edit: on our slow, draggy machines they have no issues that I have found. Where the Bonanza had issues, was the mixer that allows the V tail to act as elevators and as a rudder for yaw... because we are only using them as a rudder effectively, not as elevators as well, there is no complicated mixer to create havoc.... for us, they work very well (imo)


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