You will have to ask birdie that one
Evidently it isn't hovering, it is actually flying into the wind but remaining stationary over a spot on the ground due to the relative airspeed of the wind and the engine thrust matching the speed of the wind.... which COULD easily just be described by the word HOVERING.... but, unfortunately, that word has been patented for helicopter use only.... so you cant say a hot air balloon, a plane or gyro hanging in the wind, or a drone is hovering because that would evidently be a breach of patent as none of those are helicopters and only helicopters can hover even if it is only for a short time and at or below certain altitudes
So no, it is definitely unable to hover, since it is an airplane.....
So, it only 'appears' to be hovering to the normal
scum grade humans (those who cant fly helicopters)
But.... it looks like hovering... to me.... so, I must be scum too? ... lish/hover actually think you can say it IS hovering... but only if you pay homage to heli pilots
and constantly mention that you don't mean 'hovering' in the patented helicopter sense, but in the sense of a mere bird or something shittier than a helicopter.... then I think it would be fine to refer to it as hovering (unless you are a helicopter pilot)
you are a helicopter pilot.... so you might almost be able to decide for yourself??