Can you say BOOM...
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Author:  GyroGeorgia [ Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Can you say BOOM...

"Officers, firefighters and emergency crews who were dispatched to the neighborhood, quickly confirmed a gas leak, called in the New Jersey Natural Gas Company and evacuated 75 nearby home.

Gas company employees were working on finding the source of the leak diagonally across from Lewis' home on Oak Ave. when the blast occurred, completely destroying one home and damaging many others. Dashcam video from a Stafford Township police cruiser shows the blast as it happened as workers and firefighters were next to the house.

"The house has been disintegrated," said Stafford Township Mayor John Spodofora.

Seven gas workers were injured in the explosion, said NJ Natural Gas Spokesperson Mike Kinney. One suffered extremely critical injuries and required CPR at the scene. That man and another gas worker were medivaced to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center's Trauma Unit, said Kinney. They are both in critical condition."

Hope they pull through...

Author:  MadMuz [ Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you say BOOM...

Yeah, that made it to our news too.... pretty bad :eek big bad boom :eek :badluck :yoda2 :Wolvie

Author:  Arnie M. [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you say BOOM...


Not very often you see a video of something like that

A local house blew like that a few years ago , sewer and water workers loosened a gas line running to the house , a 2 year old baby survived , she was in the center of the house and everything blew outward and left her sitting on the bare floor. There was no pieces of the house left bigger than 12 inches by 12 inches.

Scarry stuff

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