Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you?
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Author:  Flying Wolverine [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you?

On my grandpa's knee watching as many did a B&W tv and telling my grandpa I wanted to be an astronaut.

The closest I ever got is when my grandma gave me a birthday present to Space Camp one summer as a young teen.

I just had to try on my jumpsuit....I can't believe I was able to squeeze into it still!!!

Of course you can see how short the sleeves and pant legs are. What great memories I had of that summer!!!

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Author:  Hillberg [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

Runnin between classes watching Buzz & Neil on the portable TVs on those roll around stands, 7/8 grade & I was ditching class. God how I hated the teachers they couldn't amswer a single question on aerodynamics,


Author:  ScaryGary [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

My self and my older and younger sisters were alowed to stay up in our PJ's and watch it on our one and only little Black & white TV and recording it on our " Say it! Play it! " toy tape recorder.
Then we were pulled out of school by my parents to see the Astronauts in the Chicago ticker tape parade .

WOLVERINES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  GyroGeorgia [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

Laying in a Hospital bed.... no typo's. :eek

The day before, I was in a motorcycle accident and my right leg was in a cast from my crotch to my toes. Both bones about 4" above the ankle were broken, that leg is about 1/4" short now.

The hospital room did have a TV, so I got to see the historical stuff... and yeah, wanted to be an astronaut. I guess flying Gyro's is as close to the moon as we are gonna get... :laughing

Author:  redbaron [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

I was still an omeba! :wol2 :Flag

The real sad part is bobo turned nasa into a muslim outreach program.

Author:  DasStuka [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

A year out of the NAVY (aviation) and going back to college.

Author:  Arnie M. [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you


I actually remember John Glenn making his first Orbit in 1962 more than the moon landing in 1969

My dad had bought his first black and white TV in 1960 , we lived on a farm and could only get 2 stations , I remember he woke us up at 4 am to watch the liftoff

trivia: ... Canadians always felt an extra attachment to the space race ..... between 1953 and 1958 we designed and built the Mach 2 supersonic Avro Arrow interceptor , probably was the fastest aircraft in the world at the time , but because it was so expensive it became a political hot potato so they cancelled the whole thing

When NASA heard about it they hired the engineers for the USA space programs.

Author:  Gabor [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

We didn't have TV. I was in a small village at the as a 4 year old. My dad was saying it to his mother. The old hag said "oh my son you can't believe everything that you hear on the radio"..... And that was it!

Author:  Arnie M. [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 45th Anniversary - Where were you

Gabor wrote:
We didn't have TV. I was in a small village at the as a 4 year old. My dad was saying it to his mother. The old hag said "oh my son you can't believe everything that you hear on the radio"..... And that was it!

Interesting Gabor .... I was about 5 or 6 years old when the USSR put Sputnik into orbit in 1957 .... not a day went by for the next 10 years without somebody talking about it or it was on our news .... even back then we were worried about Communism getting the upper hand in the world.

I have never been a Liberal , not even a JF Kennedy fan ..... but for sure he had the right kind of American balls to announce the USA should put a man on the moon ... got to give him credit for that.

trivia: .... Canadian aviation engineer Jim Chamberlin (Avro Arrow) was in Toronto when he heard over the radio that Kennedy wanted to put a man on the moon ..... he spewed his coffee all over the table as though he had just heard the most bizarre proposal come out of a politician.

Ten minutes later he had his slide rule out doing the calculations , an hour or two later he saw that it was possible and got excited as hell .... when NASA came calling and hired him and 32 engineers from Avro he ended up designing the Lunar orbit craft and lander

small world

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